Helping people:
Believe in Jesus. Belong to a Loving Family.
Become Strong Disciples. Build Christ's kingdom!
Worship is central to our life together as we connect with God and with one another. You are welcome to join us in person or online for any worship service and can participate as you feel comfortable.
We gather each Sunday morning at 10am and for special services throughout the year—like for Christmas Eve and Good Friday, etc.
Participating in musical worship as a congregation is an opportunity to join with God’s people, throughout history and scattered across the world today, in declaring what is true about God and what is true about us as His people.
We devote a portion of our time together to hear the Word of God being taught. In opening the scriptures we are invited to reimagine our lives in light of the story of God and the way of Jesus.
Communion is a symbolic act of eating and drinking in remembrance of Jesus’ sacrifice for us. It is an invitation to remember the love of God expressed for us in the person of Jesus: Jesus who lived without sin, died for our sins on the cross, and rose again in victory over death.
Each week, we respond through a time of prayer ministry, one-to-another. We have trusted members of our team available to pray with you during the service, and space for you to respond in any way you feel comfortable.
An offering is collected each week (I Corinthians 16:1,2) to support the work of the church. If you are not a member of the church, please do not feel obligated to give. Because we are a church family, we encourage our young children to participate. You will often find that these children will be the ones to distribute and gather the collection baskets.